Archive for April, 2009

Twitter Updates for 2009-04-30

  • Today we are off to the famous Halong bay, I have been waiting to do this the entire trip … And it’s raining :-( #

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Sunny Sapa

we are in Sapa at the moment, up in the hills of northern vietnam. it is raining persistently and today we have to walk 12 km to the villages.
yikes, i don’t have a rain coat. worse still i got told by two people it
is warm here. well, the place is covered in fog and cold and i only have shorts and a small polar fleece.
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Twitter Updates for 2009-04-28

  • Off to see Cat Ba! #
  • Whoops, I meant Cat Cat waterfalls. Misty and atomospheric, with the Hmong doing their stuff in the terraced gardens. #

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