By Ricky ( September 26, 2000 at 1:52 pm) · Map · Filed under Camino de Santiago, Photos, Spain, Travel
![Hay Bales](../../../../wp-content/photos/Spain__2000_09_26__SantiagoDeCompostellaPalenciaCarrionDeLosCondes_HayBales__659378_36_.jpg)
This is this part of the Camino where you walk along a straight dusty hot stifling road for about 20-30 kilometres. I drives you mad. However the yellow brown round haybales set against the solid blue sky was just waiting to have its photo taken.
Hmm, I wonder why one of the towns is called Carrion de los Condes.
By Ricky ( September 24, 2000 at 3:42 pm) · Map · Filed under Camino de Santiago, Photos, Spain, Travel
![Church Carvngs at Fromista](../../../../wp-content/photos/Spain__2000_09_24__SantiagoDeCompostellaFromistaStMartinsChurch_PillarCarvings__659391_2_.jpg)
Interesting carvings on the columns of the Fromista Church. Dragons and monsters and deamons and whatnot.
By Ricky ( September 22, 2000 at 4:37 pm) · Map · Filed under Camino de Santiago, Photos, Spain, Travel
![Still a long way to go](../../../../wp-content/photos/Spain__2000_09_22__SantiagoDeCompostellaHornillosDelCamino__659391_11_.jpg)
Its quite a torture to see ahead of you the 10km of road you have to walk.
Ahead is a view of Hornillos del Camino.