Archive for Photos

Burgos Cathedral

Burgos Cathedral

The Beautiful Burgos Cathedral, set against a backdrop of a perfect blue sky. You can understand how the old pilgrims would have been impressed.

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Ominous Weather

Approaching Weather

As long as those dark rain clouds stay away from us on our way to San Juan de Ortega, the better!

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Geraldine’s blisters. The big one at least an inch across, she had these since day one. She would get more blisters on the edge of her blister. She was using all sorts to try to prevent it, compied was great, but kept slipping off, and at one point her foot was covered in tape!

Every night she would lance then with a needle attached to thread, and leave the thread dangling out of them so that the fluid would drain away. Never remove the skin, as it would leave the new skin below would would get mangled up in an instant!

The photo was taken at Santo Domingo de la Calzada.

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