Archive for Photos

Blackberries in Navarra

Blackberries in Navarra

Geraldine and Ann picking fresh blackberries to put in our yoghurts. Just next to some road, before Lintzaain, the berries were sooooo Juicy.

It was a looong walk that day. You don’t walk over the Pyranees carrying an overweight backpack without getting a bit hungry…

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Virgin In the Hills

Pilgrims and the Virgin Mary

Having a rest next to the Virgin Mary in the Pyrenees, during out long walk from St John Port de Pied to Roncesvalles

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Camino, Day One

Camino, Day One

Richard Maxwell, Ann, Kuini and Geraldine Mora head off on their first day walking the Camino de Santiago from St Jean Pied de Port.

This is the first yellow arrow we see, that marks the trail some 800km all the way to Santiago de Compostella, in North West Spain.

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