Archive for Camino de Santiago

Abandoned Castle

Castillo de Sarracin

Castillo de Sarracin overlooking Vegas de Valecarce. I love castles.

The photo was taken from outside the Refigio which was run by a grumpy chain smoking old lady.

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Componaraya Wine Fountain

Componaraya Wine Fountain

Geraldine standing next to a fountain of wine. Pity we cannot reach.

The cart in the background was full of grape before it dropped it off at this wine co-op thingie. I believe that if they drop off their grapes, they get wine back as payment.

The fountain is just outside a wine factory near Componaraya, and if anyone could tell me the exact GPS coordinates of this place – that would be great!

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hi from spain

hi everybody. thanks for the emails keep them coming. it´s still nice to know somebody loves me.
sorry no personal emails this time i will reply to everyone in person when i get back to england. great to hear all the news.

Ponferrada Templar CastleEl Acebowe are in ponferrad at the moment, have about two weeks left of walking and have had a nice cruisy last two days only 16km walk each day. we walked over mountains yesterday. the view was so awesome we decided to stay in a refugio in the mountains. i saw the sun ris, the sun set and the sun rise again. we walked through the valeeys and down the hills today. really cool and different from the prairies. still can´t speak spanish. but am learning words.

richard and i haven´´t killed each other yet

i have to go now time has elapsed and i´m hungry

lots of love

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