Hello Everybody

hi everyone.. to those who haven’t heard from me for a while, sorry. to those who have kept in touch, thanks a bunch.

no major exciting news, except Richard has finally got a job and starts on monday. sounds good, good pay, travel opportunity, cell phone. it’s an engineering job, testing cellular phones. the only problem is he has to travel to kent each day, would have to leave about 6:30 in the morning.

i’m still really enjoying my job in the bookshop, lots of responsibiliity and i’m developing a clientele. We had a little christmas party in the afternoon at work with nibbles and wine, then that evening I went with two work mates to our temping agency christmas party, it was a casino night(fake money), and i won a magnum of (French :) ) champagne. will save it for xmas

We got our photos from spain developed, all ten rolls. they turned out great, fantastic in fact, however there were many pictures we should have taken that we didn’t, but I think some images are better left to the memory. we took some great sunrise etc photos that i’m very proud of and many photos came out with bright blue sky (rochelle i’m sure you’ll know what i’m talking about). hopefully ricky can put some on our web page sometime. will let you know. Martin the one of us in Santiago is good so let me know if you want a copy. Sorry Marcela, our one isn’t so great, still ok though, so if you also want a copy let me know.

well not much else to tell. we are settling in to the hectic lifestyle. Had a bomb scare by work the other day. it’s funny i just realised, the docklands where i live were blown up several years ago and the corner where I work was also blown up years ago. i saw a photo and it’s quite freaky. but don’t worry Grandma, i’ll survive.

anyway, i better go, my lunch break is over.

keep in touch

(and Richard i’m sure)

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