Archive for March, 2009

Fun Times in KL

we were KL, it was Humid.

I’m in a quandry as to how to update my blog. I can’t really do a nice post every day, so I take notes. But then I get to a computer, have about 4-5 days of notes, and annoying case of writers block!
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Twitter Updates for 2009-03-31

  • Looking for breakfast in KL airport. Oooh, burger king! #
  • At Mandalay inn at Siem Reap, Cambodia. Gorgrous dark wood staircase. Got ac family room for USD$20 / night. It’s humid here too :) #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-03-29

  • Hey, we are in Port Dixon now. Staying at Zee’s tiled and gardened house. It’s humid down here too. #

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