Archive for March, 2001

General Blah

I heard this quote, so Ill understand if noone can be bothered reading this email.

“The only interesting travel stories, are ones of disaster”

General BORING ramblings :-)

Ok. Geri and I are still living in the docklands. We went to some of Geri’s old friends from NZ in Woodhill Spa (Near Lincoln). Nice 50+ town, and has a PGA golf course there. Bought some socks, and Geri got some slippers. Got trollied on 3xPints of Home Brew, 4 Bottles of Wine and 3 Wiskeys. Got a Hangover on Sunday.
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Crooked Houses

Crooked Houses

Apparently the houses in Amsterdam have crap foundations.

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Hello Everybody

Hi everybody. Sorry i haven’t written in ages. I hope this letter finds everyone well and happy.

Not much exciting and new to tell. The weather here is still odd. We have nice sunny days and then rainy cloudy ones. The temperature gets warmer and then it gets very cold again. We even had snow this week. It must have snowed about 10 times over this winter, that i noticed. So HA to all those who said it doesn’t snow in London. You just have to look out for it. Customers and fellow staff think I’m strange when I run otside all of a sudden and stand there with my mouth open. (trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue). everyone has a good laugh.
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